Just Closed! 1204 S Bross Lane in Southmoore Park

Congratulations to our Buyers who JUST CLOSED on their new home in beautiful Southmoore Park!

1204 S Bross Lane  Longmont, CO 80501

Now it's time for summer bbqs, swimming at Kanemoto Park, riding bikes on the many bike paths and meeting new neighbors!

We wish you the best, can't wait for your housewarming party;), and appreciate you allowing us to help you along this journey.



"With each passing year, fear [of aging] creeps a little closer..."  As we age we think more and more about prolonging our lives. Maybe we feel we missed out on some aspect because of the choices we made, or maybe we just want to feel we lived our lives to the fullest until the very end. Whatever the case, most of Western society continues seek the magic pill to feeling, looking and performing our best. Is there a secret to perpetual youth and longevity? Maybe the answers are simpler than we think?

Aging pro freeskier, Mike Douglas, traveled to Japan seeking youth. Not only are there 500 ski areas in Japan, making the destination an easy choice, the Japanese are also the longest living population of the world's major industrialized countries.

At the end of day, the secret to growing old with grace is probably not found in complicated diet formulas, yoga rituals or workout routines (not that any of those things are detrimental to our health),  but more about eating well, giving our bodies respect and time to strengthen and recover, setting goals and not rushing our success.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu

Yuichiro Miura, famous for being the man who skied down Everest, and "...the most badass old dude on the planet" now 88, skis over a 100 days a year, and attributes part of his success to goal setting. He says, "at any age, you should have a goal set to always be stronger and healthier than you are right now".

We all have the secret to longevity living inside of us. Create attainable goals, be forgiving of yourself, wake up every morning and choose to be a better version of you than yesterday, be strong in your convictions, laugh, take time to nourish your body and keep sight on your destination. Get out there and chase life!

Motivational Monday – REI’s “Adventure in Real Life”

Motivational Monday – REI’s “Adventure in Real Life”

"My plan never included this many roadblocks. But maybe the only difference between 'roadblock' and 'adventure' was my perspective..."

Life often doesn't go quite as planned. In fact, many of us are familiar with the old saying, "The only constant in life is change." Depending on the day and your mood when such change strikes, it can be difficult to embrace it fully for the adventure that it is! REI's short film "Adventure in Real Life" touches on the importance of changing perspective in order to appreciate experiences as they come; for better or for worse.

(Video Credit: REI)

"Slowly I discovered that nature was all the more beautiful because of the unplanned and the unexpected."

"I guess life is like that; full of setbacks and roadblocks. But when we love something enough, we can turn any obstacle into an Odyssey. The truth is, life isn't going to go as planned... The only question is will you choose to call it an adventure?"

Nothing forces someone to embrace a humble attitude like a tough challenge. You're bound to become kinder and more sympathetic to others and their own obstacles, too. Embracing your failures will better prepare you for your next great adventure, and remind you that you are indeed human.

The most efficient use of your mental and emotional energy is to focus on yourself first; what do you think of your efforts? How do you prioritize personal growth? What makes you truly happy? What makes you feel accomplished? While the validation of others can be a temporary relief, your own validation will provide long term satisfaction in any situation.

Motivational Monday – Discovering & Spreading Light During Dark Times

Motivational Monday – Discovering & Spreading Light During Dark Times

"Love creates a communion with life. Love expands us, connects us, sweetens us, ennobles us.

Love springs up in tender concern, it blossoms into caring action. It makes beauty out of all we touch. In any moment we can step beyond our small self and embrace each other as beloved parts of a whole."

Jack Kornfield

We know all too well that the world can be a scary, overwhelming and confusing place; and lately there seems to be a lot going on. Between natural disasters and acts of violence, headlines are dreaded and draining before the day has even begun. Despite the darkness during challenging times, there is something else going on that's worth noting.

People are donating their time and resources to charities and various efforts of all kinds. They're giving all that they can, however they can. It's during the darkest times that humanity can shine the brightest! That light is putting love and kindness into action, and we're all capable of putting this energy into practice.

Beyond becoming involved in your community and in charities that speak to you, inward reflection is an essential aspect of processing tragic events that are beyond our control. Truth be told, the majority of us can only control how we react to such things. A simple meditation practice can cultivate the love & kindness that is so important following disasters, and can even be done in spare moments throughout your daily life.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Begin by finding a quiet or special space where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Take deep breaths for a few minutes, focusing on a soft heart and releasing all plans and precautions. First, recite the below phrases inwardly and focus on your own well-being.

May I be filled with loving kindness.

May I be safe for inner and outer dangers.

May I be well in body and mind. 

May I be at ease and happy. 

While repeating the phrases, allow images to come and go naturally, and focus on allowing the feelings to fully permeate your body & mind.

When you are feeling a strong sense of self love, you can then feel confident in expanding the meditation to include others in your own social circles, then your community, and finally, humanity as a whole. Repeat the same phrases as above, but imagine sending the feelings outwards to others.

May you be filled with loving kindness. 

May you be safe for inner and outer dangers.

May you be well in body and mind.

May you be at ease and happy.

Motivational Monday – ‘Where We Belong’

Motivational Monday – ‘Where We Belong’

"When the day is full of potential, being lazy isn't a consideration.."

Throughout human history, people have gone out into nature in search of self discovery, connectedness and transformation. At times when we're feeling most unsure of ourselves and our place in the world, venturing into the wilderness can provide clarity and motivation. In a day and age when we're bombarded with technology, constant bustle and triggering stresses, removing yourself from your immediate environment can reveal the potential for seeing yourself elsewhere in the world.

Someone's perception may shift along with a new vast and calming landscape....

Nature may initiate change help you to abandon your obsession over problematic frames of mind. Through that clarity, unexpected solutions will begin to form....

Mental static will melt away and the attachment to your version of reality will in turn begin to loosen, becoming fluid and neutral... 

Join 5 women as they traverse from Daniels Lake to Skwawka Lake in British Columbia. Along the way they discover that the wilderness truly is where they belong, despite the doubts that everyday life can instill. Though they were each hesitant to make such a trek solo, collectively their knowledge and spirit lifted them all up to greater heights.

(Video Credit: Arc'teryx)

"We're walking on the back of history and then it invites us in... We listen to it breathing. What we do is keep moving; we make a decision, we go. This is our real life. This is where we belong."

Nature invites us to open into awareness and discover where we belong - when will you answer the call? 

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Finding Fall Colors This Weekendd

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Finding Fall Colors This Weekendd

Beginning in late August each year, the aspens in the highest parts of Rocky Mountain National Park embark on their annual transition of 'quaking'; a term use to describe the leave's behavior in the breeze and unique color changing process from green to brilliant golden yellows, oranges and reds.

(Video Credit: Colette Bordelon)

If you have yet to visit the park during the fall, you must add it to your to-do list! The hues painting the mountainside change with each passing day until mid to late September, accompanied by the elk's rutting season and migration down from the high country. Tourists, photographers and nearly everyone else believes the park is in it's prime during this time of year, though there are certain spots that are recommended above others if you're chasing colors....

Hidden Valley

Far from hidden, this popular spot is a favorite among wildlife enthusiasts as a place where elk gather in large numbers, backdropped by fiery colors. There are numerous viewing spots along US 34 on the SE facing hillsides. Have your cameras ready! Elk show up with little warning and you may miss the ideal opportunity if you're not prepared...

Glacier Gorge Trail

All the way up to Alberta Falls on Glacier Gorge Trail, you'll be snapping pictures and looking on in awe; this hike is a beautiful one. Aspens line the path and fallen leaves float along the creek, welcoming you with a flurry of color.

Bear Lake Road

This road runs parallel to the Glacier Creek and is worth the time it may take to travel all the way to the end. You'll begin at Moraine Park and will want to pull off the road any chance you get because every turn will offer a new and interesting view! If you'd prefer to hike or relax at an overlook, there are many opportunities along the way for that as well.

Twin Sisters

Because the trail head is located just outside of the park's boundary (approximately 6 miles from Estes Park), this hike is a favorite for those who prefer a more secluded experience. If you've brought your camera along, be sure to get an early start to the day for the best lighting. 

Fairview Curve

About 10,000 feet up on Trail Ridge Road you'll find the Fair Curve and spectacular views of the Mummy Range up to the north. You will have driven through the Kawuneeche Valley to reach this spot, so you can now appreciate the valley's color from above! 

Kawuneeche Valley

Argued by some as the most beautiful place in the park to photograph, you'll drive through 10 miles of Kawuneeche Valley along Trail Ridge Road between Grand Lake and the Timber Lake trail head. Give yourself ample time for stops on this route because it tends to be more lovely than one expects. 

Motivational Monday – Break Free of Your Comfort Zone

Motivational Monday – Break Free of Your Comfort Zone

One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again..."

– Abraham Maslow

Countless people operate day to day within their comfort zone; a silent but common ailment. The longer someone stays within it's confines, the less happy they tend to be. Stepping beyond the boundaries of what's familiar is essential to finding happiness, accomplishing goals and discovering your true passions in life. So why do so many of us choose to stay there if it's slowly draining us?

Big changes take lots of energy. Everything in life takes energy, which can be translated into motivation. If we lack the motivation necessary to make big life changes, we as humans find reasons to remain in a state of stasis; after all, stepping beyond our current circumstances could end up being uncomfortable and even scary!

But if you do not journey past all that you know, you're deliberately robbing yourself of 3 beautiful things life has to offer on the other side....

You are not growing

Shawn Achor, a positivity psychologist and author, states that happiness is "the joy you feel moving towards your potential."

We've all heard the saying that if you aren't growing and moving forward, you're really slipping backwards. Progress is a key ingredient to happiness in life! As long as you remain within your comfort zone, you're not growing because you're making no movement towards progress or growth. Remember, growth is about becoming more than you currently are and without experiencing all that is outside of you, you'll never get there. 

You're not out there trying new things

What are you passionate about? The luckiest of us discover what we love doing early on in life, and we're able to follow our hearts as we spend our lives mastering the art of it. But if you're anything like the majority of people, you spend the first two or three decades of life searching and testing and wondering what it is that our hearts desire.... And that's only if you're diving into one thing after another, and constantly trying new things.

Your comfort zone isn't about getting out there, challenging yourself and discovering. In fact, you'll rarely try anything new and if you do, it's typically not of your own free will. 

You're becoming comfortable with settling 

The worst fate of all! We all know those people that had a dream straight out of college and then life happened. They settled for a life that was good enough without being too much; they decided to remain comfortable and unchallenged versus chasing tirelessly after their passions. 

And this situation alone isn't the worst of it. If you become conditioned to settle in general, you will fail at recognizing prime opportunities that come along throughout life. You'll reject them out of the fear of leaving what you've always known. 

Don't worry - there is still hope! Anyone and everyone can expand their comfort zones and even wander beyond them in a healthy and enjoyable way. The real trick to beating is to make feeling uncomfortable a conscious and constant habit. The more you do it, the less resistance you'll experience to the feeling itself and to the actions associated with it. 

The old adage 'one step at a time' truly comes into play here. That first step is the most essential because it's the only one where we're facing our fears directly. Second and third steps are significantly less terrifying, and before you know it you're running from your comfort zone with a smile on your face. The next time around will be that much easier, as your confidence builds.

Here are 3 things you can do to develop the self confidence and strength necessary to step outside your comfort zone regularly...

1.) Make a list of your procrastinations

What are all of the things that you've been putting off and continue to put off? Try to think of everything, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, that you've been procrastinating on for a few weeks or more. 

2.) Start checking off things from that list, beginning with the smallest

Don't go chasing the whales on your list; begin with the small fish and work your way up. It's essential that you take that first step and experience success as quickly as possible. 

3.) Continue moving forward 

It's all about momentum from here. Continue moving forward by stepping further and further from your comfort zone until you feel ready to tackle whatever comes your way!

Your resolve is a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. Before you know it, spending substantial amounts of time beyond your comfort zone will become the new norm. 

Motivational Monday – Embracing Solitude

Motivational Monday – Embracing Solitude

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.

 Arthur Schopenhauer

Though we have all relied on our social connections with one another to advance as humans, time spent alone is crucial to our well-being - and is often put on the back burner. In a world that is constantly moving, loud, changing and demanding, we can easily become drained and robbed of creative energies and clarity if we aren't careful.

Unfortunately for many of us, loving solitude doesn't come naturally! It can take a lot of practice and patience in order to become comfortable on our own, but once we do, the benefits are undeniable. Solitude allows you to reconnect with yourself and your truest desires without the expectations and distraction of others. It can also stoke the fires of creativity by allowing a safe space to explore ideas and feelings freely. Most of all, it can clear your mind of stress and bring about calmness and clarity. Inner peace is perhaps the most important benefit of embracing solitude.

Here are some of the most productive ways to spend time alone:

1.) Create a personal space in your home that is dedicated to you and only you. Whether it's a corner of a room, an entire room or the whole house, make everything about it appealing to you. Decorate in a way that is welcoming and inspiring, and set aside time to be in that environment regularly.

2.) Make a goal to become expert in something completely different & new. Research states that it takes 10,000 hours of dedicated focus on something to become an expert - what better time to get started than now?

3.) Prioritize 'me time'. It's perfectly healthy to carve out blocks of time in day to day life just for oneself. Doing something that relives stress and calms worries will spill over into other areas of life, too!

4.) Start keeping a journal. Being alone offers time to explore our innermost feelings, desires, fears, hopes, worries and ideas. Keeping all that down in one place allows you to revisit past moments for inspiration.

5.) Learn how to cat nap! As every busy adult knows, naps are a luxury that we should be accepting whenever they come our way. But wouldn't it be nice to fit a short nap into your schedule a few times a week? By napping now and then, you will experience much needed respite from daily stresses on both your mind and body.

6.) Work on your confidence by doing an activity that you would normally only do with others. This could mean you hit the slopes for a solo session, or jam out on your guitar all alone. No matter what it is, the extra practice and focus you give to the task itself will result in increased skill next time you meet up with your friends!

7.) Pursue learning more within your occupation beyond the proximity of others. Only if you genuinely enjoy your career, that is! It can be very fulfilling to further yourself without the confines that your employer or office guidelines dictate. 

Rocky Mountain National Park – Estes Park September Festivals 2017

Rocky Mountain National Park – Estes Park September Festivals 2017

Not far from Rocky Mountain National Park lies beloved Estes Park, where visitors and locals alike celebrate life in the Colorado Rockies with special events throughout the year. Below are the events this month that you will want to pencil into your calendar!

Longs Peak Scottish Irish Highland Festival September 7th through 10th 

If you've never made it up the hill in the past three decades for this festival, this is the year! For 3 days, Estes Park becomes the setting for one of the nation's largest celebrations of Scottish and Irish cultures. Held annually the weekend after Labor Day, there are events such as jousting, bagpipes, dancers, precision drill teams and more. One of the weekend's highlights is the parade along Estes Park's main street.

Scottish Irish Shopping Markets will have a variety of vendors selling things such as clothing, kilts, accessories, home decor and highland-inspired jewelry. The Strong Man Competition on the festival field will allow athletes to show off their skills in the hammer throw, putting the stone and caber throwing. If something more traditional is what you enjoy, then the International Jousting Championships entertain with games and competition in both light and heavy armor. Dogs of the British Isles put on quite the show for the entire family, with dog agility and herding, terrier races and dog exhibit booths with goods.

Click HERE to purchase your ticket and for an event calendar for the weekend!

  Autumn Gold Festival - September 23rd and 24th

Celebrate the changing of the seasons in one of the region's most beloved festivals! Everyone is welcome to enjoy the live music and dance for FREE, and the Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary will have bratwursts and cold drinks for purchase once inside. Other vendor booths will have treats such as corn on the cob, funnel cakes, roasted almonds and fresh lemonade; there's bound to be something for everyone.

The kiddos will be well entertained with face painting, corn bag tosses, a bounce house and classic car show. Perhaps the most popular portion of the festival is the raffle - entrants can take home prizes of $5,000 or $2,500 cash prizes, and various other cash and runner-up awards. Raffle tickets cost $25 each.

Performance Park Summer Concert Series, Mason Street - September 16th

​Mason Street is a Fort Collins-bred bluegrass band that will be finishing up the Summer Concert Series at the Performance Park Amphitheater. The show goes from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, for FREE! Don't miss out...

Motivational Monday – Get Outdoors, Rewire Your Brain

Motivational Monday – Get Outdoors, Rewire Your Brain

We all know that a long stroll outside can do wonders for a funk we find ourselves in, but it may not be clear why being outdoors has such an effect on our bodies and minds. It's safe to say that the majority of us live in cities or work in professions that keep us indoors (and even worse) sitting for long periods of time. Various studies have determined that those with little access to green and wild places have a much higher likelihood of psychological issues than those who live near parks or visit natural environments on a regular basis.

But does immersing yourself in nature actually change your brain in a way that affects your overall emotional health?

According to a study published by Gregory Bratman, a graduate student at the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources at Stanford University, there's a strong correlation between improved mood and spending time in natural environments. In a study, volunteers who were allowed to stroll along tree-lined paths with little noise pollution did not dwell on the same negative aspects of their life as they had prior to the walk. In addition, they had less blood flow to the portion of the brain that is highly associated with 'morbid rumination', or incessant fretting. Those who were forced to walk along a busy highway did not feel the same bliss afterwards!

There are still many unknown factors. How much time in nature is ideal for improved mental health? Must you be walking at the same time to reap the real rewards? Should you be alone or with a companion?

Conduct your own experimentation! Click HERE for a list of the best walking trails near Longmont, Colorado.

Motivational Monday – “Words of Wilderness”

Thank you to Pete McBride and Vital Films for creating this beautiful tribute to the wilderness of the United States in honor of the Wilderness Act's 50th Anniversary.

"We simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope.."

Wallace Stegner

Motivational Monday – “The Honeymoon Is Over”

"I think it's good enough to just be passionate about something that you really care about, regardless of what this is. It doesn't need to be some complicated, deep thing... You're just lucky that you have something you're that psyched about and that passionate about." 

Josh Wharton 

Colorado-based climber, Madaleine Sorkin, is considered one of a few women in North America who are highly active in the styles of adventurous and challenging free-climbing.. And just last fall she became the first woman (and 5th person ever) to redpoint the infamous Longs Peak Route, The Honeymoon Is Over.

"Sometimes you have to get more insecure than you want to in the end." 

Madaleine Sorkin

The Honeymoon Is Over is among the most difficult high-altitude rock climbs in the world, and is considered the most difficult route up the Longs Peak Diamond. It's unique in the sense that you are climbing at such a high altitude while tackling an equally difficult climb - even before the altitude is factored in. Hiking in can take 3 to 4 hours on it's own, which most people choose to do very early in the morning. For those of us familiar with Colorado weather, summers can bring thunderstorms in the blink of an eye; as a result, the route itself is often wet and the weather can be extremely unpredictable... Though it required several failed or partial attempts to tackle, she didn't give up.

"Actually failing doesn't feel that different from anything else. Thinking about failing or feeling like a failure - those feel terrifying." 

Madaleine Sorkin 

With each attempt and failure, she was forced to muster deep for perseverance, and recall on her passion to reach the top. Check out the video below to witness how Sorkin approached the challenge and then achieved her goal!

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Become a Park Podcaster!

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Become a Park Podcaster!

With more people, families and groups venturing into Rocky Mountain National Park than ever before, you may be wondering how park rangers, staff and volunteers do it...

How do they keep all the pieces in place?

What challenges do they face?

And how can I help?

Thanks to Miles Barger, a visual information specialist for Rocky Mountain National Park, you can now learn so much more about the park and all the people who look after it. Throughout his career in park services, he has been constantly reminded of the deep love and curiosity that visitors have for national parks and wild places - but it isn't just about the wilderness itself. When it comes to national parks, visitors develop the same feelings for the people that look after them! With that in mind, Barger and his coworker Hope Ozolins created a team and a structure for a brand new podcast called Rocky Mountain National Podcast.

Listeners will enjoy 10 episodes per season, each one an hour long. The first season's focus will be on different park personnel, starting with some of the most beloved to park visitors; rangers and other educational and interpretive program leaders. He discusses things like why they became involved in national parks, what they do within Rocky Mountain National Park and some of the unique knowledge they impart on others. Personal stories blend with park information, news & updates, and specific information on planning a trip to the park. 

"We are always looking for ways to reach other audiences and new tools to give people the information they want about the park," Kyle Patterson, spokesperson for RMNP, said.

100th Birthday RMNP birthday cake - Kyle Patterson

Barger hopes to continue evolving the podcast to include a mini-series within the main season; shorter segments that focus on something more specific, like a research project or a current concern. The first 4 episodes are out already - take a listen for yourself!

Ranger Program - Snowshoeing

Season 1, Episode 1: A Love of the Mountains with Kathy Brazelton

Join Kathy Brazelton, an East District Naturalist, in the Upper Beaver Meadows, as she shares her life as a ranger, ranger programs, various signs of spring and more.

Season 1, Episode 2Chillin' in the Alpine with Cynthia Langguth

​Ranger Cynthia Langguth teaches us about the interesting world of the alpine tundra. She'll teach about marmots, pika, ptarmigan and everything else in the land above the tree line... 

Season 1, Episode 3: Gettin' Wild on Rocky's West Side

Explore all that the West Side of Rocky Mountain National Park has to offer with rangers Maci MacPherson and Michele Simmons!

Season 1, Episode 4: With Kyle Patterson

What does the Public Affairs Officer for RMNP actually do? Join Kyle Patterson and explore what he does, day in and day out; sharing news and messages, dealing with current issues at the park, and even how you can help keep the park beautiful for generations to come.  

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Weekend RMNP Events

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Weekend RMNP Events

Need to make plans for the upcoming weekend? Look no further than Rocky Mountain National Park! There's always plenty going on to entertain those venturing alone, with friends or with the family...

Friday, July 28th 

Lily Ridge Hike (2 miles) - 9:30 to 11:00 am - Lily Lake 

Join in on this guided hike to Lily Lake and find how trails connect various rocky ridges, forests, meadows, Longs Peak and Lily Lake.

The Great American Solar Eclipse 10:00 am to 12:00 pm - Kawuneeche Visitor Center 

Are you traveling somewhere to view the Solar Eclipse in August? Come by the park and learn how a solar eclipse happens, what you might see and how to view this natural occurrence safely.

All About Lightning - 2:30 to 3:00 pm - Alpine Visitor Center 

Learn all about why lightning is so important to know about, and how you can minimize your risk of being struck by lightning.

Exploring With a Camera - 1:30 to 3:00 pm - Timber Lake Trailhead

Whether you have lots of experience with photographing in nature or are just beginning to dive in, this is your chance to learn some valuable tips and improve your skills on a guided photography walk.

Bighorn Basics - 10:30 to 11:00 am - Sheep Lakes Information Station 

Did you know that the Bighorn Sheep is the symbol of the Rocky Mountains themselves? Learn about this beautiful animal near Sheep Lakes; a popular place to view them.

Glacier Basic Campground Evening Program - 8:30 to 9:15 pm - Glacier Basin Campground Amphitheater

Various topics are discussed, both informative and fun! Dress warmly.

Holzwarth Historic Site - 10:30 am to 4:30 pm - Holzwarth Historic Site Parking Area 

Help the park join Holzwarth Historic Site's 100th Birthday! While you're at it, take a tour of the 1920's-era dude ranch and get a taste of early homesteading.

Astronomy in the Park - 8:15 pm - Upper Beaver Meadows Trailhead

Join a park ranger and the expert team of volunteer astronomers to observe and identify different elements and constellations in the night sky. Make sure to dress warmly and bring binoculars and a flashlight. A 30 minute program will be followed by viewing.

Old Ranch Campfire - 7:00 to 9:00 pm - Holzwarth Historic Site Parking Area

Bring the family or friends and roast marshmallows by the campfire. It does require a 1 mile walk to get to the campfire site, so dress warmly! Bring your own marshmallows and come equipped with campfire stories and songs.

Saturday, July 29th 

Hike through History (3 miles) - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm - Colorado River Trailhead - FREE 

Make your way along Colorado River on this calm 3-mile hike where you'll discover remnants of mining and ranching history. Bring anything you'd need to be well prepared for a hike of this length.

Sprague Lake Stroll (1 mile) - 9:30 to 11:00 am - Sprague Lake Picnic Area

Managing wild places within Rocky Mountain National Park is the topic of discussion on this guided hike. Enjoy the conversation of a ranger as you make your way around Sprague Lake.

Twilight Walk - 7:45 to 9:15 pm - Sprague Lake

If you love that magical twilight hour just before night settles in, don't miss this guided walk! You'll learn all about what the natural world is going as day transitions into night. Dress warmly and bring a flashlight.

Sunday, July 30th 

Beyond the Falls (1 mile) 2:15 to 3:45 pm - East Inlet Trailhead

Even been to Adams Falls? You'll enjoy this pleasant hike to Adams Falls and soak in the amazing view that lies just beyond it.

Mountain Wildflowers - 9:00 to 11:00 am - Kawuneeche Visitor Center Flagpole

A ranger will lead you & your caravan to see the best flowers that are currently blossoming and teach you all the reasons why they're so special.

Motivational Monday – Your Secret Weapon to Success

Motivational Monday – Your Secret Weapon to Success

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy."

Dale Carnegie

Phil Drolet, creator and author of the successful 'optimal living' blog The Feel Good Lifestyle, didn't always have the success that he'd hoped for. But when he  fianlly decided to take that leap of faith and embark on the journey of entrepreneurship, he utilized a method he fondly refers to as the "All In Method", or AIM. He argues that society tends to commit to something and give up on the effort when the going gets tough, or the next exciting endeavor appears. But by allowing yourself to be wishy-washy and throwing the towel in when things become difficult or don't go your way, you rob yourself of opportunity and success!

Bottom line: If you truly want to achieve something, you cannot do it half way - you must push all of your chips into the middle.

When you force yourself into this state of fear and excitement, uncertainty and hope, something quite amazing happens. You'll discover strengths that you never knew existed. Parts of you will awaken and shake off the dust of the familiar, and you'll harness the courage to forge ahead despite all of that. 

Here's how you do it....

There's a strategy you'll want to put into play in order for your attempts to be successful. And even before you begin creating your plan, doubts can begin to creep into the mind. What if I'm not good at this? What if it's too scary? What if it doesn't work, no matter how hard I try? Let's silence the inner voice that's unsure about the plunge, and encourage the one that's excited and ready!

1.) Identify Your Project or Goal

Sometimes it can be a struggle to identify what you truly and deeply want. But in order to begin your journey toward success, you'll need to first have a clear vision in mind!

What kind of project is this? 

Is it goal-based, or relationship-based?

Is it a sort of spiritual journey?

2.) Test Drive your Aspirations

Give yourself a reasonable time frame in which to commit fully to something. It could be anywhere from 30 days to 6 months, but allow yourself that clear start and end time. This allows you the flexibility of 'strategically committing'; you're now free to participate in life 100%, test things out and find out if it's enhancing your life before you sign on the dotted line, so to speak. 

People view time frames as a safety net, and you can use this to your advantage. Anyone can do something for 30 days, right?

How long are you willing to commit for? 

2.) Evaluate, Evaluate and Evaluate Again 

Once you've begun the 'strategic commitment' plan, you'll want to keep track of any challenges and successes starting right away. Taking stock of your feelings and results from this project will help you not only deem it worthy of your effort and time, but you'll also find momentum and motivation from seeing yourself improve.

Ask yourself the following...

- Is this project working?

- Am I enjoy this?

- Is it leading me in the right direction?

- Where am I struggling?

- What bad habits do I need to cut out?

- What support do I need from others?

Once you've made the choice and committed to it for X amount of time... Go for it! 

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Photography in the Park

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Photography in the Park

Erik Stensland, an Estes Park resident and photographer, visits Rocky Mountain National Park regularly to photograph all the beauty within; spring flowers, sunsets and waterfalls overflowing. Like many creative nature enthusiasts, Stensland prefers to wander outdoors in solitude.

"I just need silence to rethink things. It keeps me whole and sane. I need that time of personal reflection." - Erik Stensland 

Though you aren't going to become his best hiking buddy, Stensland is willing to share some of his wisdom when it comes to taking photographs while venturing through the park. And it's advice you'll want to take! 

Tip #1 - Timing is Everything

Aim to photograph your desired subject or area when the light is warm. If you can shoot within 15-20 minutes of sunrise or sunset, you'll be amazed by the results. More people prefer sunrise photos than sunset photos, due to the clarity during that time of day. Winds die down and urban activity slows significantly during the night, leaving a window of time just before and during sunrise that provides a more clean and clear atmosphere. 

Tip #2 - What Are You Shooting?

It's easy to become distracted by everything around you and before you know it, you've taken 300 photos in the first 15 minutes of your hike and you're late for that sunrise shot you'd planned on getting! Before you head out, be very clear about what the subject of your image is. Why did you come out today? What did you hope to photograph? What was the overall feeling you wanted to convey with this image? Focus on one clear subject and you'll hike home feeling triumphant. 

Tip #3 - Learn to Love Cloudy Days 

Sure, it may go against your nature to hope for clouds in the sky as you pack up for a day outside. But in Stensland's opinion, if there aren't clouds in the sky, it isn't worth going out with your camera in tow. "Clouds really create the emotion in the image", he says. Subjects such as waterfalls and shadowy forested areas benefit greatly from the diffused light that grey skies bring. Clouds truly are nature's softbox, so take advantage of overcast days!

He sells his images online and in various galleries in New Mexico and Colorado. If you're more of a social media guru, he shares images daily on his Facebook and Twitter with inspiring messages attached for you to enjoy (free of charge!) 

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – A Place to Meditate in Nature

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – A Place to Meditate in Nature

Wouldn't it be nice to have a place where people can come together and commit to learning about the world around them in thoughtful, sincere way? Sitting on 180 acres near Ward, Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center welcomes participants from near and far to do just that!

“For me in this dark time, Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center will be a shining beacon I can trust. I see it offering what we most need: the inspired leadership of committed teachers, a wild mountain setting to awaken our own power and beauty, the ripening of a Sangha to grow a guiding vision for our people, and the strength to make it real.”  Joanna Macy, Ph.D Engaged Buddhist teacher

(Video Credit: Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center)

The land is composed of a private river, meadows and woodlands adjacent to the Arapahoe National Forest and mere miles from the Indian Peaks Wilderness. Their mission is to provide a space for low-cost meditation retreats and workshops, surrounded by and focused on nature. The scheduled programs that the group is most excited about are:

Open House Activity Day - July 16th - Join in for a full day filled with community, mindfulness and the beautiful nature that the center sits on. Families are welcome and the event is free, though donations are always appreciated.

Ecodharma Retreat with David Loy & Johann Robbins - August 4th through 13th - This meditation retreat encourages exploration into social consciousness and promoting caring, wisdom and compassion rather than anxiety and anger.

The center has no paid staff and runs solely with the help of many volunteers, giving their time and expertise to the cause. Click HERE to learn more about the team, their volunteers, and how you can become involved.

Motivational Monday – Have Less, Live More

Motivational Monday – Have Less, Live More

"When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need."

- Lao Tzu

What's the one thing that we can never get back? Time. Our time is perhaps the most finite and valuable resource we each have as we go through life. Each moment you choose what you spend it on, whether you dip into tomorrow's time in order to do something today, and even risk it all looking for thrills.

Those of us who spend their time buying the biggest, newest, most flashy toys focus their energy (and time) on possessions. But do all those possessions really make for a happier life overall? One could argue that certain possessions add joy, freedom and even creativity to a life - but no matter what, you can't get the time back.

Credit card debt in the United States alone is approximately $750 billion. Imagine what things would be like if people chose to focus on saving more and spending less! We'd each have more flexibility to give to the causes that meant the most to us, and to invest our time in the same ways.

To take that another step further, why don't more people practice genuine gratitude for all that they do have, rather than focusing on what they need next? There's never been a point in human history when we've had so much and been so unhappy despite all of it. So what can you do to change it all?

Practice gratitude! Wake up and immediately remind yourself of everything that you're thankful for. Write it down, meditate on it, brainstorm while in the shower - whatever works best for you. Focus on yourself and those that you care most about rather than what you have or don't have. When you're able to live without placing importance on belongings, you'll find that you already have everything you need to live and be truly happy...



Rocky Mountain National Park staff was notified last Saturday night that an old culvert in Grand Ditch is leaking at the intersection of Lady Creek and Grand Ditch. The company who operates the Grand Ditch (Water Supply and Storage Company) have made temporary repairs to reduce the leakage and have opened head gates to reduce water flow. The additional water is being rerouted to the Kawuneeche Valley.

Needless to say, RMNP staff quickly began assessing any immediate and potential impacts to trails and bridges in the Kawuneeche Valley as a result.

The Colorado River Trail is flooded approximately 0.6 miles from the trailhead, just beyond the Red Mountain Junction. A sign cautioning conditions was posted at the trailhead, and the staff assures additional assessments are ongoing.

In addition, that was increased sediment movement near Shadow Mountain Reservoir, though it's unclear exactly how much earth was moved in the event.

Grand Ditch Road is currently closed to pedestrians, but there are no other closures in place at this time. Long Draw Road, which leads to this area from just outside RMNP, is closed this time of year - it is still set to open for the season in early July.



The staff and volunteers of Rocky Mountain National Park, do their best to provide park visitors with experiences of a lifetime. But they can't do it without you!     How can you help?
  • Take the Rocky Pledge (see below). You can read it aloud or to yourself, in the park or at home, alone or with friends. All we ask: read it thoughtfully and take it seriously.
  • Encourage your followers to protect Rocky. Share a photo of yourself taking the pledge, encircling something meaningful to you in your hands, or doing something to protect the park to your social media of choice and tag it #rockypledge. If you’re on Instagram, there’s a chance you’ll get hundreds of thousands of eyes on your photo—we’ll regularly repost our favorite #rockypledge shots!
  • Tell your friends and family: Take the Rocky Pledge! Visit go.nps.gov/RockyPledge to learn more.


“To preserve unimpaired for this and future generations the beauty, history, and wildness therein, I pledge to protect Rocky Mountain National Park.”

  • To prevent fire scars and human-caused fires, I pledge to never build a fire outside of a campground or picnic area fire ring.

  • To respect other visitors’ experiences, if I need to go but am not near a restroom, I pledge to leave no trace by stepping well away from the trail and water sources, burying my waste at least six inches deep or packing it out in a waste bag, and carrying out my toilet paper.

  • To respect Rocky’s wild creatures and to protect myself, I pledge to watch wildlife from a distance that doesn’t disturb them in any way. I will never feed an animal—doing so causes it harm.

  • To respect history, heritage, and natural processes, I pledge to remove nothing from the park except my own and others’ trash. I will leave no trace of my visit so that the next person can experience the same beauty as I did.

  • To keep my pet, wildlife, and other visitors safe, I pledge to keep my leashed pet only on roads, in campgrounds, and in picnic and parking areas. I will never take my dog on Rocky’s trails, meadows, or tundra areas.

  • To preserve them for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations, I pledge to honor, respect, and protect all our national parks and public lands.



We've taken the pledge - how about you? 

Motivational Monday – 5 Ways to Get Out of That Rut

Everyone has found themselves in a place where all you can ask yourself is, "What am I doing?" Whether you are feeling stuck at your job or struggling to achieve even the most basic of goals, there is a way out of the rut! Here are 5 steps to take which help you regroup and focus back in on what's most important.

1.) Unplug and Refocus

Some of us find ourselves renewed by spending time alone, and others generate momentum by surrounding themselves with many friends in a fun and lively setting. No matter how you recharge, it's important to unplug while you do it. Disconnect from the technological part of life and spend time taking inventory of your life. What are you happy about? What are you unhappy about? What can you do to make it better?

Spending time examining your experience of life is crucial. Without self examination there's no room for growth. It can help you recollect your energy and efforts, notice differences between healthy and toxic relationships, and carve out new habits and paths to get you to the end.

2.) Journal Every Day

The human mind is a problem-solving machine, but it can run into difficulty when thoughts are scattered and energy isn't focused and put to effective use. Writing down your thoughts can be one of the first steps to changing your entire life! There are many reasons why keeping a journal is recommended by most of the world's enlightened and successful people. But if it seems like a daunting task, start with something fresh. Discuss problems that came up during the day, different opportunities, ideas and potential solutions.

Once you get into the habit of setting time aside each day to journal, adopt a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) or CPSP (Creative Problem Solving Process) layouts. Structure and formalized routine can help you focus on specific areas that need the most attention. 

3.) Ask for Help 

No one will ever disrespect you if you genuinely ask them for their guidance and help. We're naturally wired to avoid stressful situations, including initiating vulnerable conversations with people who don't know us. But the fact is that mentors and guides are all around us in life, if we can only break free from our own insecurities and seek them out. 

Reach out to people that inspire you to be more, and those who understand you and/or your situation. Most people will be honored by your outreach and will do all they can to help you succeed.

4.) Go For It 

There comes a point when you simply must take action. Walk the walk, then talk the talk! A common mistake that most of us make is waiting to 'feel like it', or for that surge of motivation to come sweeping in out of nowhere. Don't wait for the right moment; just begin. Get started with baby steps and take it one day at a time, little by little.

To put it into perspective... The time will go by whether you take the action or not! 

5.) Take the Leap of Faith

You may not notice it until you're more confident about your decisions, have settled into a routine and are living in a place of progress... But this is the time to take that leap of faith. You've adopted new habits and your new goals are in focus; it's time to drop the negativity and anything that drained you or distracted from your pursuits. 

Ask for input from your mentors, discuss the pros and cons, and then just do it! Without taking this essential but scary step, you will remain stuck. 



Despite the six feet of snow that some areas of the mountains received late this month, 4 out of 5 campgrounds within Rocky Mountain National Park are open and ready! The ever-changing weather is something we love about our state; one day we're buried in snow, the next it's melted and made way for sunshine and warmth..

Because these campgrounds are inside the park itself, the sites are reserved well in advance. Get a jump on it and line everything up for the beginning of summer!

Aspenglen Campground - 54 sites total - 12 tent only - 5 walk to

With equal amounts of shade and sunshine, this campground is popular for family tent camping and RVs alike. There are also several sites that you must walk to which provide a more secluded and serene experience for those looking to get away from the hustle. Seasonal inclusions/services: Firewood and ice for sale, food storage lockers, trash & recycling collection, amphitheater use, staff or volunteer host on site, potable water, and flush toilets. There are no showers at this campground.

Glacier Basin Campground - 147 sites total - 73 tent only - 13 group sites

Enjoy lots of grass, shrubbery and season wildflowers that sprout in nearby meadows. Certain loops have lost nearly all of their trees due to Pine Beetle damage, so be mindful of that when reserving a site in Loops C & D. Group sites are available as well, so you can bring the whole crew! Seasonal inclusions/services include: Dump station, firewood and ice for sale, food storage locker, trash/recycling collection, potable water, staff or volunteer on site, amphitheater use.

Moraine Park Campground 247 sites total - 101 tent only - 49 walk to 

Located near the Beaver Meadows entrance on Highway 36, Moraine Park Campground offers gorgeous views of the park and surrounding mountains and hillsides. If you're looking to explore nearby civilization as well, there are free shuttles that connect the campground to Bear Lake trailheads and Estes Park restaurants and shops. Seasonal services/inclusions include: Dump station, firewood and ice for sale, amphitheater, staff or volunteer on site, potable water, flush toilets, and vault toilets.

Timber Creek Campground 98 sites total

Timber Creek is the only campground on the west side of the park, and is about 8 miles north of the Grand Lake entrance, right along the Colorado River. All sites are first-come, first-served; reservations won't help you here! Due to a Pine Beetle infestation, all the trees were removed from the campground so no shade can be found. Seasonal services/inclusions include: Dump station, firewood for sale, trash/recycling collection, amphitheater, staff or volunteer on site, potable water, and flush toilets. 



Just before Colorado's last snowstorm rolled through, Bill Sycalik from New York City was running through Rocky Mountain National Park on his quest to complete what he calls a "life experience project"; to run a 26.2 mile personal marathon in all 59 U.S. national parks.

"When I left New York City, I never thought that I would ever do anything like this," Sycalik said. "I never thought that I would break out of that typical corporate lifestyle."

He was unhappy living in the big apple, where he felt detached from nature and all of the wilderness that he enjoyed most. In an effort to push past his own limits and reconnect with the great outdoors, he decided to get back to his love for trail-running and visit as many national parks as he could in the process. But that wasn't quite challenging enough for Sycalik..

Instead, he decided he would run a 26.2 mile personal marathon through each of the parks on a course of he designed with the help of park rangers and topographers.

(Video Credit: Bill Sycalik)

For those of us who do not run marathons regularly, the entire feat is very impressive. Sycalik emphasizes that truly anyone has the ability and grit to complete a marathon! Transferring your movement over to a trail instead of a paved track is when the entire thing goes from mundane to magical.

"It gives you an energy that you don't get running in a gym..", he says.

But no one said it was easy. People train for marathons, and it's worthwhile to note that it takes practice and repetition, like everything else in life. Find someone to help coach you and begin slowly conditioning yourself, working up to that 26.2 mile marker. Approaching it expecting immediate results will likely discourage you from continuing on at all.

Running in the outdoors and along uneven terrain is excellent for the body, too. Not only is it more physically stimulating but mentally stimulating as well. "You're part of nature," Sycalik says. "You're actually part of the surroundings, as we had been for thousands of years, but we've forgotten about it. And it gets you connected to that again."

During his run through Rocky Mountain National Park, he encountered some of Colorado's wildlife, including deer, elk, bison and bears. In the coming days, pictures from his trip to RMNP will be added to other galleries of the beautiful places he's been on this trip.

(Photo Credits: Bill Sycalik)

Once his journey is complete and all the national parks have been visited, Sycalik plans to settle in the Denver area and remain close to friends. His dream would be to work in an industry he is passionate about, such as outdoor clothing or vegan nutrition.

We'll look forward to welcoming someone to our colorful state that is so clearly Colorado at heart!

JUST CLOSED in Loveland, Colorado!

JUST CLOSED in Loveland, Colorado!

Congratulations to our home buyers! They are excited to begin their new journey as a family in this lovely, brick ranch home in Loveland, Colorado.

Thanks to it's location on a 1/2 acre lot, and the wetlands that it backs up to, the family was able to create a new space for their chickens, too. Christa was happy to have found them something that was so perfect so quickly!

If you're looking for a home in Loveland, click HERE for a list of currently available properties on the market. We'd be happy to set you up with a private showing...

Christa is a Licensed REALTOR for The Winning Team Real Estate Group at Old Town Real Estate in beautiful Longmont, Colorado. Christa is a Winning Team's Buyer's Specialist. Her business background gives her the experience and expertise a Buyer needs and wants in today's competitive market. Christa lives with her contractor husband, Guy, and their two pups Bubba and Whim in the foothills of North Boulder. Christa can be found spending her free time mountain biking, skiing, running and enjoying her home and property. It's all that Colorado has to offer that keeps Christa and Guy happy, healthy, and enjoying life to it's fullest.

Christa can be contacted via email at christa@justlistedcolo.com  or mobile at 303.913.9698

Motivational Monday – Discipline Is King

Motivational Monday – Discipline Is King

Discipline is quite different than it's partner-in-crime, motivation. But it is perhaps the single most important factor in the equation to success!

Motivation ebbs and flows and can change in a moment, adapting to it's surroundings and external conditions. Discipline, however, is that thing you call upon to climb the toughest mountains - or the tasks you know you must complete but lack the motivation to do so. If you are effective at managing yourself and your own efforts in the world, your discipline will come from within you. It will will call upon your feelings and mood toward a certain task/habit and use them toward achieving that which is important to you. Discipline is a muscle you exercise so that your life can consistently reflect your values; motivation doesn't always have the same follow through...

There are several ways you can exercise your discipline muscles, and many things to be aware of if you wish to improve in this area.

Remove Your Feelings From the Equation

Maybe your goal is to get up each morning at 5 am and workout for an hour. Guess what? That early hour will roll around the next morning and you'll want to hit the snooze button.What's lacking? Motivation!

The biggest impediment to success is that we are all dictated by our feelings and emotions. Instead of seeing reaching our goals as the ultimate prize, we expect to be reward all along the way. And be honest - if you did hit the snooze button once, twice, or three times, wouldn't you finally roll out of bed feeling worse than if you'd simply gotten up despite your feelings?

"Discipline replaces motivation because you show up consistently. The goal is too important to allow feelings to get in the way. Stephen R. Covey 

If you rely on your feelings, you are significantly less inclined to put 100% into that task before you because your actions are being entirely dictated by immediate emotional states. Discipline, in the other hand, will show up time and time again, no matter how you feel in the moment. A disciplined person recognizes that the ultimate goal is the true purpose, therefor it is crucial to remain diligent until the end.

Focus On 1% Gains 

Slow and steady wins the race, right? The smaller, gradual and consistent improvements are what ultimately separates those who achieve and those who fall short. These short improvements will lead up to marginal gains and set you apart from the rest. The key is to start small and achievable changes that get you that much closer to your goal.

What Is Your Daily 'Why'?

It is of the utmost importance that you discover the underlying motivation behind the goal you are pursuing. If you lack the compelling reasons to reach your goal, maintaining your discipline will be difficult to near impossible. 

"The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to broken." Samuel Johnson

Something will always come up in day to day life, big or small, that will seem to conspire against you and challenge your resolve. Give in and your success will be squashed; all your efforts will have been in vain. When such moments arise, you'll need a strong desire behind achieving your goals. 

Continue to be persistent in the face of fears and adversity by clinging to a strong 'why'. After all, you're worth it and so are your goals! 



Mark your calendars, because May 19th is Endangered Species Day; a time to recognize national conservation efforts to protect our nation's endangered species and their habitats. Established in 2006 by the US Congress, Endangered Species Day is a celebration of our wildlife and wild places. The goal is to highlight the importance of continued protection and ways we can all help to rehabilitate threatened and endangered animal and plant species.

Thanks to the Endangered Species Act, hundreds of species have been saved from extinction, and many more continue to thrive thanks to the act. Rocky Mountain National Park invites anyone and everyone to attend a special program at 7pm on Friday, May 19th at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center.They'll be showing the award-winning film, Racing Extinction, to spread awareness on the international wildlife trade. Viewers will also see how ordinary people do extraordinary things to save vulnerable species on the land and in the sea.

For more information about the event, please contact the park's Information Center at 970-586-1206.

JUST CLOSED in Golden, Colorado…

Congratulations to our sellers, who have officially CLOSED on their home in Golden, Colorado. We received many phone calls and so much interest on this property, and were happy to have helped our clients maximize their return.

Call us if you want a 'SOLD' sign in your front yard! 

Cory feels blessed and honored to be a top producing, full-time real estate broker and business owner in beautiful Colorado. He gives everything he has to fulfilling his client's dreams of home ownership - and it's a privilege he doesn't take lightly. His family includes his wife and daughter, and they feel fortunate to call Longmont their home.

Cory can be reached by mobile at 303.641.8597 or email at cory@justlistedcolo.com

Motivational Monday – Conquering Colorado 14ers

Motivational Monday – Conquering Colorado 14ers

Colorado is well known for it's collection of 14er mountains, which attract locals and visitors alike to meet them and conquer them, time and time again. For someone seasoned in the effort, you know how to prepare, what to pack, how to properly pace yourself.. But what about the newbies? Don't let inexperience keep you from experiencing the climb - we're here to fill you in on some of Colorado's gentler giants and help you check a couple off your bucket list this summer! FAQ's can be found at the bottom of this list.

(Keep in mind that this list was created under the assumptions that those attempting are in reasonably good shape, properly equipped for the trek and climbing during the right season..)

Mount Sherman (14,036 feet) - 5 miles - 2,100 feet elevation gain

At 5 miles, anyone who has run the Bolder/Boulder will realize that race is longer than this climb. Many old mining buildings provide curious scenery and the chance to explore if you're feeling so inclined.  Tip: Beware of the wind that could pick up and pack your shell layer.

Mount Bierstadt (14,060 feet) - 7 miles - 2,700 feet elevation gain

This peak is near Idaho Springs and is perhaps the most popular for 14er virgins, so keep that in mind before choosing this trek. For many it can feel so well-stamped that it doesn't qualify as an adventure, which could leave you feeling a bit disappointed. However, the basin offers great views of the peak, and you'll get beautiful shots from the summit as well. Tip: If you're looking for more of a challenge, consider taking the Sawtooth Ridge route, but beware - it is not a beginner route! Go with someone who's experienced and familiar.

Handies Peak (14,048 feet) - 5.5 miles - 2,500 feet elevation gain

Who wouldn't want to visit the San Juan Mountains? While it is short and you'll stick to a quality trail all the way to the top, this hike pays out in visual rewards when you reach the finish. Soak in the American Basin before heading back down! Tip: The 4WD road leading up can be in poor condition at certain times of the year. Be prepared to park-and-hike-it to the trailhead if need be.

Mount Antero (14,269 feet) - 7 miles - 2,400 feet elevation gain

The majority of this climb can be a bit boring for most, but the final 500 feet are breathtaking. If you enjoy suspense and don't mind waiting for the best part, give it a go! The road is safe, so no need for extra planning on this one. Tip: Mount Antero is well known for having lots of aquamarine, so spend time digging around if you're into that.

Mount Huron (14,003 feet) - 7 miles - 3,500 feet elevation gain

Huron is a steep climb, but you'll rely on a good trail to lead you to the top. Lots of switchbacks help alleviate that burning in your legs (as well as snack breaks..) This is a fun, challenging hike that ends with some of the most awe-inspiring views of all the Colorado 14ers. Tip: Don't underestimate this mountain, even with the reasonable distance; the elevation will get you if you don't properly pace.

Mount Democrat (14,148 feet) - 4 miles - 2,100 elevation gain

Looking for a gentle and short hike? Democrat is the one for you. In fact, it is typically climbed with three other peaks, which is a popular way of checking off four peaks all in the same day. For beginners, it's nice enough to climb all on it's own. Tip: Don't pressure yourself into climbing Democrat's three sister peaks - it very well could take away from your enjoyable experience and taint the entire thing.

Quandary Peak (14,265 feet) - 7 miles - 3,500 elevation gain

Perfect for climbing before spending the evening in Breckenridge! Because it's so close to the popular ski town, this is a favorite for locals and visitors alike. You'll follow a trail all the way to the top, and get great elevation gain on the way up making for excellent views. Tip: Like Huron, Quandary is steep. Bring hiking poles to aid you on the way back down.

Grays (14,270 feet) and Torrey Peaks (14,267 feet) - 8 miles - 3,600 elevation gain

Perhaps you've seen these peaks from your drive along I-70? If it's the thrill of adventure you're seeking, tackle these two peaks at once. Take the trail from Grays over to Torreys and you'll loop back around to the same trailhead you began at! Tip: Arrive early because this area tends to become crowded quickly, and drive something that doesn't sit too low to the ground; the road up can be rough on smaller cars.

Mount Elbert (14,433 feet) - 9 miles - 4,700 elevation gain

There is absolutely NO risk of getting lost on this hike, as the trail is clearly defined and very wide. Elbert is the tallest peak in Colorado, which makes this one quite the accomplishment. From the summit, you can see dozens of 14ers... In fact, many claim that Elbert offers the best views of all. Tip: Elbert is a walk, but a very steep and long walk. Don't dismiss the physical challenge this climb will be.

Longs Peak (14,259 feet) - 14 miles - 5,100 feet elevation gain

The granddaddy of Rocky Mountain National park! There's a reason this is the last one on our list... It is certainly not the easiest for beginners.  But if you climb at least 3 or 4 of the others first, you'll be in a much better position to tackle Longs Peak with a trusted group of fellow go-getters. It makes for a good first "tough" mountain for those who are still novices, too. The route is well marked and there's even a bathroom and small shelter to stop at before the most challenging portion begins. Tip: Start from the trailhead as early as 2:30 am and you'll be greeted by TONS of very visible stars, and a sunrise that will turn the rock walls a rich red.


1.) What should I bring when climbing 14ers? 

Food that is fulfilling for you, sunscreen, a hat, gloves, sunglasses, more water than you'd think, and a windproof/rainproof jacket. 

2.) What kind of shape should I be in? 

In an ideal world, you'd be able to run a 5k comfortably. But there are plenty of us who simply haven't run a 5k - we wouldn't know either way! A good rule of thumb is that if you're a good weight, join in on a bike ride of two each week with friends, hit the gym regularly, you'll be able to handle all of the above. Naturally, the younger you are the easier it all will be. 

3.) How should I dress for the day?

Comfortable shoes that have been broken in properly (hiking boots and trail running shoes are both good options.) Wear layers like you would on any other hike, and pack waterproof clothing in case you run into weather.

4.) When is the best time to climb them?

The season typically goes until mid-September before you'll get considerable amounts of snow on the trails and you're officially winter climbing. People tackle these climbs all throughout the year but for beginners, it's best to avoid the additional elemental adversity if you're able. 



There's a brand new bluegrass festival in town! If you're looking for something fun to do this weekend, head up to Estes Park for their inaugural Mountain Music Festival on Saturday, May 13th from 12 - 9pm. Held in the Estes Park Events Complex, this festival will feature both national and local bands, and promises to be a great time for everyone.

The event is a fundraising effort for the Estes Park School District's various music programs, which include the state champion marching bands, middle and high school bands, middle and high school choirs, and elementary music programs. It is truly a grass-roots effort, organized for and by the community of Estes Park. Community sponsors include The Rock Inn, Snowy Peaks Winery, Twin Owls Steakhouse, Rock Creek Tavern & Pizzeria, Inwell & Brew, Estes Park News, and many more. The festival's aim is to combat low funding in music programs and get ahead of the ever-increasing costs of such programs.

"There is a large body of evidence showing that a quality music program raises test scores, (and supports) higher level thinking and performance in many other core areas, as well as social inclusion," says Cynda Basch, Estes Park High School secretary. 

Estes Park's Mountain Music Festival lineup is below...

Front Country  - Headliner, Americana

Rapidgrass - High-Energy Bluegrass 

Bonnie and the Clydes - Rocky Mountain Country Soul 

Chain Station High-Energy String Band 

Monocle Band - Bluegrass Fusion 

Bella Betts and Will Thomas - Bluegrass Prodigies 

Tickets are available for purchase HERE online. Want to make it into a weekend getaway? Click HERE to check out local lodging options that allow you to soak up the Estes sun all weekend long.

Motivational Monday – ‘Within Reach’

"Feeling empowered is something that you have to take..."

Lynn Hill, professional climber 

(Film Credit: Talweg Creative)

REI partners with Outside Magazine to discuss and explore women's approach to outdoors adventuring. Both groups aim to ensure that women are equally inspired, supported and equipped to embrace the great outdoors.

Shelma Jun, narrator of the 'Within Reach' documentary, is the founder of Flashy Fox and the Women's Climbing Festival. She often writes for publications like Climbing and Outside magazines.



Rocky Mountain National Park is home to black bears, which are also the largest and least frequently seen mammals within the park. There are an estimated 20-35 bears currently living in RMNP, but previous studies have shown that the park is a poor habit for them, naturally speaking. It's believed that the area was attractive to the animals because hunting remains prohibited within the boundaries. Bears do what bears do; they eat lots of wild fruits that grow within the park, such as choke cherries, currants, raspberries, grapes and juniper berries. Afterwards, well.. They do what nearly every other living thing does.

RMNP rangers decided to try something new this year, and used the abundance of bear scat to the park's advantage!

A member of the park's vegetation restoration crew collected scat throughout the park last fall, and volunteers took time planting it in the park's greenhouses. No one was sure what exactly would come of it, if anything - but there truly was no downside to this experiment. Everyone was pleasantly surprised when the seedlings began sprouting, which have now reached a count of over 1,200 total.

"Animals are great seed dispersers and of course, what does in one way goes out the other," the park said on it's Facebook page. "After defecation, seeds are left in a rich, moist medium that nourishes the growing seedling."

Most of the seedlings appear to be Oregon-grape and chokecherry, which was a surprise to the team. Chokecherry has a very thick, hard seed coat that is difficult to germinate in typical greenhouse conditions. Thanks to their trip through a bear's digestive system beforehand, that coat was broken down in the process, allowing for successful growth.

The plan is to plant the Oregon Grape seedlings in an effort to rehabilitate the areas disturbed during the replacement of the park's main waterline in 2016.

If you dream of being a volunteer at the Rocky Mountain National Park, click HERE and take the next steps! There are opportunities for individuals and groups alike, and they are always in need of help and community involvement.

Motivational Monday – “Preserving One Square Inch of Silence”

Gordon Hempton is a self-declared "sound tracker", constantly in search of vanishing sounds from all corners and crevices and cracks on this earth. According to Hempton, the most precious sound of them all (and the one that is most endangered) is in fact silence.

"The Hoh Valley is the quietest, least noise-polluted place in the entire lower 40," states Hempton. "I don't know if I can save silence, but I know that I can try."

Here is his story below...

Preserving One Square Inch of Silence from Great Big Story on Vimeo.

But why is silence worth finding, practicing and preserving? 

4 Health Benefits of Being Silent 

1.)  Heightens Sensitivity - 100 scientists went on a retreat to study the importance of silence, and found that eliminating speech heightens awareness in many other areas. The practice of vipassana meditation focused on breathing, which they found to heighten sights, sounds, emotions, thoughts, intentions and sensations in general.

2.) Relieves Stress - When sound waves reach the brain, the amygdala (the part of your brain associated with emotions and memory formation) is activated, which leads to the release of stress hormones. Believe it or not, a mere 2 or 3 minutes of silence can release more tension in the brain and body than any exposure to relaxing music!

3.) Improves Memory - A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that adults who walked alone for 40+ minutes three times a week for a year had noticeable brain growth in the hippocampus, which is associated with spatial memory. Improve your memory consolidation by getting outdoors!

4.) Fights Insomnia - If you're someone who suffers from insomnia, depression and/or fatigue, mindfulness meditation can do you a world of good. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing in and bringing attention to your breath, which consequently brings the individual into the present moment.

We live in a very bustling, loud world, full of TVs, cell phones, music and people. But we could all use a little quiet time now and then; mentally, emotionally and physically. Incorporating silence into your daily routine, even if it's only 5-15 minutes, can benefit you in many areas of life.

Congratulations to our Sellers, Who JUST CLOSED!

Congratulations to our Sellers, Who JUST CLOSED!

Congratulations to our sellers!

They JUST SOLD their spectacular luxury townhome in the Renaissance neighborhood of southwest Longmont. With an ideal location alongside a neighboring greenway and intelligent design options & green features, we knew this one would go fast...

This unbelievable townhome is the second one in 2 years that Cory has sold for the highest known price in the Renaissance neighborhood. He admits to getting a bit of a rush seeing where the market will go and maximizing his clients return, so they can dream big on their next home purchase.

Our strategies work, are proven and in the end, they deliver!

Cory feels blessed and honored to be a top producing, full-time real estate broker and business owner in beautiful Colorado. He gives everything he has to fulfilling his client's dreams of home ownership - and it's a privilege he doesn't take lightly. His family includes his wife and daughter, and they feel fortunate to call Longmont their home.

Cory can be reached by mobile at 303.641.8597 or email at cory@justlistedcolo.com.

JUST CLOSED on Another Longmont Home!

JUST CLOSED on Another Longmont Home!

Congratulations to our sellers, who JUST CLOSED on their Craftsman-style Old Town home! We are thrilled to have helped them onto the next adventure for their family...

It's always a gift in our business to have lifelong clients and friends. Cory can recall discussing strategies to maximize their return on this Old Town investment over 7 years ago... And wow, they did even better than expected!

Congratulations again...

If you loved 803 Collyer St, don't worry - we have others in the neighborhood!


600 Baker Street

4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 2,406 square feet

Click HERE for a sneak peek at the photos, and mark your calendars for the Open House on May 6th & 7th, 11am - 2pm.

Cory feels blessed and honored to be a top producing, full-time real estate broker and business owner in beautiful Colorado. He gives everything he has to fulfilling his client's dreams of home ownership - and it's a privilege he doesn't take lightly. His family includes his wife and daughter, and they feel fortunate to call Longmont their home.

Cory can be reached by mobile at 303.641.8597 or email at cory@justlistedcolo.com

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Get Your Lifetime Senior Pass!

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Get Your Lifetime Senior Pass!

The National Park Service Centennial Act was approved by Congress in December of 2016. In short, the legislation raises entry fees to all 417 national parks and over 2,000 recreational sites that are managed by the federal government. It's not all about jacking up prices needlessly, though; an endowment will be established and the funds used to improve the experience of visitors to such locations, and support opportunities for volunteering in parks all over the U.S.

In an attempt to remain transparent and ever-honest, park services have announced that the lifetime pass for citizens 62 years and older will jump from $10 to $80 very soon. They're encouraging anyone who wants to enjoy the national parks and public space to act within the next few months or risk losing out on the lower price!

(Denali National Park, Alaska)

How to Get a Senior Pass

You must be 62 at the time of purchase to qualify for the Senior Pass. You'll need an ID in order to prove your age and residency, too. The most economic option is to purchase the pass in person - find the ideal location by clicking HERE. If you'd rather not make the trip, you may also apply online HERE, but it will cost you an additional $10 for processing. 

Don't wait too long - take advantage of the heads up today! Use the images below of U.S. National Parks as inspiration to take action...

(Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming)

(Yosemite National Park, California)

(Zion National Park, Utah)

Motivational Monday – Colorado’s Tiny Towns Embrace the Night

Motivational Monday – Colorado’s Tiny Towns Embrace the Night

Have you ever seen the Milky Way that goes from horizon to horizon?

80% of the American population now lives in a place where the Milky Way is more or less invisible, thanks to light pollution. Street lights, lit billboards, 24/7 shops and services are slowly but surely changing the way we experience the world around us. As a result, not only do we lose touch with our connection to the outdoors, but our overall health suffers due to sleep-disrupting effects on the human body. And it doesn't just affect humans either; the migration behavior of sea turtles have been altered due to coastal lights, and also big migration routes as well. So where can a Coloradan go to escape the glow of civilization and gaze up at the stars with the same wonder that our ancestors once did?

Look no further than Westcliffe and Silver Cliff, Colorado!

The two small Colorado towns are nestled in the Wet Mountain Valley, below the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. True, they may only boast a population of 1,100, but their movement toward eliminating light pollution in their small part of the state started about 15 years ago. Since then, they have over the last decade become key players in a movement called Dark Sky and were officially designated as IDA Dark Sky Community in 2015. The international effort  (International Dark-Sky Association) was founded in 1988 and aims to ensure that future generations can admire the Milky Way the same way previous generations did, before the advent of the light bulb.

(Photo Credit: Curtis Urban (stars), Watson Land Co. (terrestrial)

The valley just to the west of these towns is one of the best places to star-gaze for a couple different reasons - the altitude of 8,000 feet that puts you closer to the stars than any other Dark Sky community in North America, and also the wonderful attitude of the people soaking in the views.

Dark Sky's efforts aren't merely about aesthetics; there are major economic advantages to community's that become involved, too. Due to frigid winter months that bring about temperatures as cold as 24 degrees below zero, Westcliffe and Silver Cliff will never become a year-round destination for astronomers to star-gaze from. Their goal is to expand their summer tourist season as late into fall and the following year's spring as possible. Due to a lack of communications capability, efforts to spread the word about the ideal night skies have been stagnated. Despite that, Westcliffe has grown 20% in the last 15 years, much of which they attribute to the migration of people from more populated areas seeking solace.

"It isn't just the skies", says Charles Bogle, who leads the Custer County Economc Development Corporation. "The quality of life in the valley is so alluring."

The Towns That Embraced Darkness to See Starlight from Great Big Story on Vimeo.

Interested in a star-gazing trip to Westcliffe and Silver Cliff?

Visit the SJO (Smokey Jack Observatory) in the southwest corner of The Bluff Park. They keep an up-to-date list of events throughout the year that are hosted at the observatory, though you can also reserve the space for a private star party if you wish!

Depending on your drive, you may want to stay overnight and head home the next morning. Westcliffe's Courtyard Country Inn is within walking distance of everything in town; restaurants, gifts shops and more. Pricing ranges from $80 - $100/night, depending on the time of year. 

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Trail Ridge Road Open to Cyclists

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Trail Ridge Road Open to Cyclists

Attention, everyone! Trail Ridge Road is officially open to cyclists, though travel on it at your own risk; park officials are warning that conditions may still be a bit tricky to navigate. Trail Ridge Road connects Estes Park to the west and Grand Lake to the west, and is the highest continues paved road in the United States. The scenic route reaches elevations of 12,183 feet and provides beautiful views for anyone traveling it - and if you decide to adventure out on that great road... Be prepared for strong winds and weather that could change at a moment's notice, especially at this time of year. Officials close it down during the winter months due to snow and dangerous conditions. If you want to check in on current conditions, call 970-586-1222 for the most up-to-date information. Not interested in making the journey yourself? Live vicariously through others and check out this first-hand account of what cycling Trail Ridge Road is like.
Congrats To Our Buyers – Who Are Also Sellers!

Congrats To Our Buyers – Who Are Also Sellers!

Congratulations to our Clients!!! We’re so appreciative of the opportunity to help in their Sale and Purchase!

We just closed on their new home in Longmont Estates and new chapter of life. Cheers to mountain views, playing ball in the yard, gardening, room to play and so much more!!!

Congrats you guys! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this exciting adventure.

AND, just to add to the excitement, we just went Under Contract ROCKET FAST on their previous residence!! With a steady stream of Buyers at the Open House last weekend, it was no wonder that their home went under contract within 24 hrs with an Offer they couldn’t refuse.

So much joy from this loving family. Thank you again!

Christa is a Licensed REALTOR for The Winning Team Real Estate Group at Old Town Real Estate in beautiful Longmont, Colorado. Christa is The Winning Team's Buyer's Specialist. Her business background gives her the experience and expertise a Buyer needs and wants in today's competitive market. Christa lives with her contractor husband, Guy, and their two pups Bubba and Whim in the foothills of North Boulder. Christa can be found spending her free time mountain biking, skiing, running and enjoying her home and property. It's all that Colorado has to offer that keeps Christa and Guy happy, healthy and enjoying life to it's fullest.

Christa can be contacted via email christa@justlistedcolo.com  or mobile 303.913.9698

Motivational Monday – 3 Steps to Motivating Yourself

Motivational Monday – 3 Steps to Motivating Yourself

We've all been there - we really, really want to achieve a particular goal, but instead we procrastinate, make excuses and generally fail to follow through... Again and again and again! Overall, people are great at imagining what we want to do but can't seem to cross the finish line on most of our goals. So what is the missing link? What are we all forgetting about when we create our bullet lists, mind maps and routines?

Our feelings!

Research shows that trying to fight your feelings about a particular situation will only amplify their intensity. And thanks to the way that our brains function, feelings will beat out thoughts every time. With that in mind, emotions and feelings play a crucial roll in getting anything done; we require thoughts to plan, but only feelings can inspire us to act.

Here are 3 steps to harnessing your emotions & getting more done...

1.) Focus On Rewards

Just as when we were children, being rewarded feels great and being punished feels bad. Because they each incite such strong emotional reaction on each end of the spectrum, they can work wonders for motivating you. In fact, research shows that rewards account for 75% of the reasoning behind why you do anything. So treat yourself to a pedicure after acing that exam you've been studying tirelessly for, or take a weekend getaway after a month of long days at the office.

What if there doesn't seem to be any reward motivating enough to get you going? Try the 'commitment device' approach instead. For example, give your friend $100. If you complete your task/goal within the committed time frame, you get the money back. If you don't, you lose it completely and your friend is $100 richer...

Suddenly those items you've been putting off for 2 weeks seem much more important!

2.) Get Peer Pressure

The common saying goes along the lines of, "You are the 5 people who surround yourself with the most." If this is true, are you who you want to be? Spending time around the sort of individuals that you strive to be like makes it far less stressful or difficult to do the things you know you should be doing.

Friendship and it's benefits, challenges and hidden elements has long been studied. From an interview, author Carlin Flora of "Friendfluence" states:

"Research shows over time, you develop the eating habits, health habits and even career aspirations of those around you. If you’re in a group of people who have really high goals for themselves you’ll take on that same sense of seriousness.."

Make friends with people that will encourage you to challenge yourself, and serve as a support system from beginning to end.


3.) Get Positive

If you're like the majority of the world, procrastination is most likely to happen on a day that wasn't ideal. We woke up late, didn't get enough sleep, still haven't had our morning coffee or got into a fight with our partner on our way out the door. Oh,science doesn't lie; happiness increases productivity and makes you more successful!

But what if we can't seem to shake the blues? What if we just aren't feeling it?

Check in on and celebrate the progress you've already made. Nothing is more motivating than witnessing and appreciating your own progress. It will get you through to the next accomplishment, and reassure you that you can do this.

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Avalanche Beacon Training

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Avalanche Beacon Training

Back country exploration and camping is very common in Rocky Mountain National Park. With that in mind, the rangers have created a place to safely educate everyone on avalanche beacons! Knowing how to use an properly can save your life, as well as someone else's...

The park is open 24/7 for back country enthusiasts to further hone their skills, but make sure you and your party are prepared; there are no rangers there. It was intended to provide people who already own and know how to use avalanche beacons a place for gain more field experience.

"They can go up there they can flip on a switch and turn on one to eight different transceivers in order to practice those skills in recovery and finding those people who are buried."

- Mike Lukens, a climbing ranger with RMNP

You won't have time to think about what you're doing if you're ever in the back country and yourself or someone you're with is buried in snow. Ideally, you'll go into auto pilot and your brain will kick in, drawing from your practice, in an efficient manner. After all, you only have about 15 minutes to get someone safely out of snowpack. Time is truly of the essence in this sort of situation!

Motivational Monday – Emotional Spring Cleaning

Motivational Monday – Emotional Spring Cleaning

We're all familiar with spring cleaning the house - closets to be decluttered, old boxes to be sorted through, blinds to be dusted and unused items to be given away... But how often do we turn our focus to the baggage in our emotional closets? Too many of us suffer from messy habits, crowded feelings and ideas that we've clung to for far too long. Perhaps this spring is the perfect time to practice a bit of emotional minimalism!

Do away with the clutter you've tucked away and allowed to gather dust in your heart and mind. Replace it with something fresh, inspiring and altogether motivational.

Minimize Grudges

Old baby clothes that no longer fit our children pile up in the corner of your closets, because it's  tough to let them go. Your ex-boyfriend's t-shirts still claim a space in your drawers, even though you know you'll never again wear them.. Why do we insist on keeping it all?

Items that have emotional memories associated with them become a physical representation of that moment in time. But we do the same thing with grudges! Sometimes they're linked to photos we tuck away and look at secretly, other times it can be simply a feeling. Toss out the items and the feelings! Let go of the desire to seek revenge or hold onto anger - focus on forgiveness and take each moment as it comes, free of any roots from the past or worries about the future.

Minimize Pessimism

Use the same strategy when dealing with your negative thinking habits as you would with old bags of clothes on their way to the donation bin - give it away! Don't ask for anything in return, and certainly don't keep it around for another day longer. Pessimists tend to push people away and can turn otherwise healthy relationships into damaging ones. Their thinking patterns and outlook on life spoil happiness and thwart growth. Bundle up all your negative thinking and ship it off... You'll feel all the better for it.

Minimize Fear

It isn't realistic to completely eliminate fear, and probably not recommended either. After all, some of our instinctual reactions and 'gut feelings' can help get us through sticky or scary situations. But don't let fear control you. Fearing a possible shark attack while swimming in the Great Barrier Reef is a rational fear; fearing the same thing while in a lake in the middle of Colorado is not.

The key here is to buckle down and move forward despite being afraid... It is then that you'll come to realize your fear of the situation was larger than the reality of it! Acknowledge your fear, embrace it, channel it into actionable steps and move through it.

Minimize Envy

Envy can only live on the assumption that life is a zero-sum-game; one person's good fortune and success means that there's less to be had for the rest of us. Not only is this train of thought selfish, but it is untrue and self-sabotaging. To fight against this behavior, remove yourself from the equation entirely and evaluate how you feel now that it doesn't involve you. Are you happy for your friends success? Step into their shoes and imagine the joy and accomplishment they must be feeling.

All of us have cluttered closets and emotional challenges, but the issues arise when we continue hiding more things under our beds or pile on the grudges till there's no room left to grow. Spring is upon us, so go clean out your closet and unpack your heavy heart as well!

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Boulder Philharmonic Debuts RMNP Music

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Boulder Philharmonic Debuts RMNP Music

Composer Stephen Lias,like many others in all walks of life, draws inspiration from the great outdoors to create beautiful art in the form of musical masterpieces. The only difference is that his gaze is a bit more specific and focused - on national parks, to be specific!

Included in his dozens of compositions are pieces created thanks to our very own Rocky Mountain and Mesa Verde national parks, alongside many more from around the United States.

This Saturday, March 25th at 7:30pm, the Boulder Philharmonic will debut the composer's newest piece, fondly dubbed "All the Songs That Nature Sings", after writings by Enos Mills, who's considered to be the father of the Rocky Mountain National Park by many. Though there are a very limited number of seats still available for the premier, you can buy tickets HERE. And if you'd prefer to listen to the full concert from the comfort of your home, take advantage of CPR's (Colorado Public Radio) live broadcast!

After the concert, the Boulder Philharmonic travels to Washington, D.C. to perform the complete program at the Kennedy Center's SHIFT event; a festival that showcases innovate American orchestras.

We're inspired and in awe of the beauty all over this state, but we must agree with composer Lias - Rocky Mountain National Park is quite special...

Motivational Monday – Key Traits of Confident People

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it."

– J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

For the majority of people out there, confidence is more situational than permanent; in certain situations we feel very sure of ourselves, and in others we aren't quite certain how things will pan out. But never fear! Confidence is something that can be learned, exercised and created. Actions influence attitude, so by changing the way we behave over time, we can change the way we feel about said actions.

Below are some of the top traits that confident people display to those around them, and ultimately to the world. Remember... The goal isn't to seem confident - it's to actually BE confident!

They take responsibility

A confident person understands that being true to and owning their feelings, emotions, and actions is the quickest path to success. You won't hear them blaming their struggles on others or situations around them. This includes taking responsibility for one's failures, and being consistent in your choices. If you made a terrible mistake, own up to it! You'll quickly earn the respect of your peers and friends if you're able to admit when you're wrong, and learn from the outcome.

They avoid gossip

Gossip is a senseless circle, and serves no one in the end. Confident people choose to instead talk about their goals, ideas, plans, dreams, fears... They acknowledge that it's best to be positive or remain neutral. If you're around people who tend to gossip, reconsider who you surround yourself with and the thoughts you harbor.

They ask for (and accept) help

Attempting to accomplish everything on your own is not only impossible, but also exhausting, frustrating and less productive in the long run. Ask for help often if you want to work your confidence muscles, and don't feel threatened by someone else's wisdom or experience. Pass it along and help others in turn, whenever you can!

They view every failure as a success

This is a HUGE one, so pay attention! Confident people do not see failure as the end but rather as a tool they use to further their growth. The road to any success is fraught with obstacles, challenges and complications, but they know that sticking with it will get you the win in the end. In order to fail you also must try in the first place, which is the only way to succeed at all. Fail often, and you're sure to reach your goals.

They want to share the limelight with others

Every confident person thinks highly of themselves, but they also remember that others' opinions and experiences are just as valuable and valid as their own. Embracing your inner confidence requires you to be a team player at all times. They know that the focus doesn't always need to be on them, and they work hard to establish positive habits, like listening rather than talking and engaging in group efforts. Yes, you can be confident while keeping your ego in check!

Congraulations to Our First Time Homebuyer!

Congraulations to Our First Time Homebuyer!

Congratulations to this first time homebuyer - we found a winner! We're so proud of you, Chelsea...

Congratulations again from all of us!

Christa is a Licensed REALTOR for The Winning Team Real Estate Group at Old Town Real Estate in beautiful Longmont, Colorado. Christa is The Winning Team's Buyer's Specialist. Her business background gives her the experience and expertise a Buyer needs and wants in today's competitive market. Christa lives with her contractor husband, Guy, and their two pups Bubba and Whim in the foothills of North Boulder. Christa can be found spending her free time mountain biking, skiing, running and enjoying her home and property. It's all that Colorado has to offer that keeps Christa and Guy happy, healthy, and enjoying life to it's fullest.

Christa can be contacted via email at christa@justlistedcolo.com  or mobile at 303.913.9698

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Firewood Lottery!

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Firewood Lottery!

What if you could win firewood straight from Rocky Mountain National Park? Now you have the chance! Over 100 permits will be granted via a lottery to claim wood that has been previously cut from the forest. If chosen through the lottery, you will be limited to one cord of firewood, which can be picked up by appointment near Moraine Park.

If you're interested, here's what you need to do...

1.) Email ROMO_Firewood@nps.gov now through 8am on March 27th. In the subject line of the email, type your last name, then first name in the following format: Smith, John.

2.) In the body of the email, type your full name, home address and phone number.

And then you're officially entered!

If you're selected, you'll be contacted by the RMNP staff to set up an appointment. You'll need to receive a vehicle and gear inspection, obtain the permit, go through an orientation to wood gathering and then gather your wood.

Please note a couple of things... First, if selected, a $20 non-refundable fee will be charged to claim the permit. Second, most of the wood will require a chainsaw - it hasn't been cut into smaller more  manageable pieces.

Motivational Monday – Living In the Present

Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of the enjoyments that today brings, but it robs you of truly living. The only important moment is the present moment... If you wish to begin living more mindfully in each and every moment, consider this list of tips below!

(Video Credit: Tragedy & Hope, Audio: Alan Watts)

Remove unneeded possessions

Embracing a more minimalist lifestyle forces you to live in the present moment. Remove items that remind you of past memories - you will free up your energy to start living in the present.

Smile often

Start your day with a smile! Write a reminder note on your computer monitor to smile, put images or quotes up on your walls that inspire happy feelings. Remember, you and you alone are in control of your attitude every morning. Do yourself the favor of keeping things optimistic.

Soak it all in

Pay closer attention to the sights, smells, sounds and emotions that rise up throughout the moments of your day. Embrace feelings that come from both successes and sorrows, and appreciate each for the experience they offer.

LOVE your job

Most of us spend at least 5 full days out of the week (71% of our waking time) working in our chosen profession. If you're in a constant state of "surviving" the workweek, you're wasting nearly 3/4 of your life! Though it can be a challenge, there are two solutions to this: 1) Find a new job you enjoy that inspires you, or 2) Find something about your current career that you appreciate and engage in that rather than focusing on the negatives.

Forgive past hurt feelings

When someone does wrong against us, we have the choice to move on or allow their poor choice to continue impacting our mood and outlook on life. Choose to forgive and move forward for your own sake.

Don't dwell too much on past accomplishments

It's plain and simple - if you are too busy talking about what you did yesterday, you certainly haven't done much today!

Stop worrying

Has worry ever accomplished much of anything for anyone? There's no way to fully appreciate the day if your mind is focused on yesterday or tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will come whether you worry about it or not.

Dream about tomorrow, work hard today

It is important to set big goals and plan for a beautiful future, but putting the effort in today will get you that much closer to tomorrow. Don't fall into the trap of letting dreaming take the place of hard work in this moment.

CONGRATS to our Buyers!

CONGRATS to our Buyers!

Congratulations to our buyers for closing on this terrific home across from a beautiful park and the Twin Peaks Golf Course.

"She came in search if a fixer-upper and we found a winner! This one has so much potential for her creativity and ingenuity. We can't wait to see what she does! The work starts this weekend!"

Christa is a Licensed REALTOR for The Winning Team Real Estate Group at Old Town Real Estate in beautiful Longmont, Colorado. Christa is The Winning Team's Buyer's Specialist. Her business background gives her the experience and expertise a Buyer needs and wants in today's competitive market. Christa lives with her contractor husband, Guy, and their two pups Bubba and Whim in the foothills of North Boulder. Christa can be found spending her free time mountain biking, skiing, running and enjoying her home and property. It's all that Colorado has to offer that keeps Christa and Guy happy, healthy, and enjoying life to it's fullest.

Christa can be contacted via email at christa@justlistedcolo.com  or mobile at 303.913.9698



Congratulations to our buyers who JUST CLOSED on a beautiful brick home near Old Town Longmont!

"Congratulations to my friend and client. We house hunted with a mission of finding a quaint, comfortable home, close to all that Longmont has to offer, but yet quiet and peaceful. From the first step on the porch, my Buyer felt at home. The home reminded her of her childhood home and everything felt right. She’s eager to be close to parks, views of the mountains, walking paths, coffee shops and with blocks and blocks of beautiful West Old Town to roam. Competition is heavy in Longmont and we were up against multiple offers for this home. We positioned ourselves strongly and my Buyer stuck with me late into the evening to secure the purchase. I couldn’t be happier for her."
    Christa is a Licensed REALTOR for The Winning Team Real Estate Group at Old Town Real Estate in beautiful Longmont, Colorado. Christa is The Winning Team's Buyer's Specialist. Her business background gives her the experience and expertise a Buyer needs and wants in today's competitive market. Christa lives with her contractor husband, Guy, and their two pups Bubba and Whim in the foothills of North Boulder. Christa can be found spending her free time mountain biking, skiing, running and enjoying her home and property. It's all that Colorado has to offer that keeps Christa and Guy happy, healthy, and enjoying life to it's fullest. Christa can be contacted via email at christa@justlistedcolo.com  or mobile at 303.913.9698  

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Backpacking Permits Now Available

Rocky Mountain National Park Series – Backpacking Permits Now Available

What better way to relax after a long workweek than escaping to the solitude and peace of Rocky Mountain National Park? Today is the official first day to make reservations for a summer backpacking trip! There's nothing quite like unplugging from the world - technology, stressors, workplace issues and everyday troubles - and soaking in some nature instead.

Though you can certainly take a day trip up, overnight backpacking is not allowed without a permit. You can register by either visiting the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center of Kawuneeche Visitor Center in person.

Click HERE for a map of all the available campsites, a recent availability list and a request application, along with all the other information you'd need for your trip!

Congratulations To Our Buyer!

Congratulations To Our Buyer!

Cory just helped a client and friend close on the perfect place in Aspen Grove Condominiums, Boulder, CO.

I love it when I can help a friend move forward on a purchase that will benefit their lifestyle. We competed against multiple offers in a space that has a very limited supply of affordable condos. Strategic offers, great communication and authentic connections win again! #BringingYouColorado

Congratulations again on your new home!

Cory feels blessed and honored to be a top producing, full-time real estate broker and business owner in  beautiful Colorado. He gives everything he has to fulfilling his client’s dreams of home ownership - and it’s a privilege he doesn’t take lightly. His family includes his wife and daughter, and they feel fortunate to call Longmont their home.

Cory can be reached by mobile at 303.641.8597 or email at cory@justlistedcolo.com.