City of Longmont Waste Services is encouraging everyone to make a pledge to create a new recycling or composting habit this Spring.
What is the 21-Day Challenge?
The #LoCo21DayChallenge is hinged on the notion that it takes 21 days to instill a habit and asks participants to make a personal commitment to create a new habit to reduce waste and decrease our individual environmental impacts.
Learn more about the challenge and sign up for the opportunity to win prizes and be part of the greater good!
Share your progress on our Facebook page!
Are you participating in the #LoCo21DayChallenge?
by Christa Marsh | May 2, 2018 | Bringing You Colorado, Christa Marsh, Cory Dudley, LoCo21DayChallenge, LongmontRealEstate, Old Town Real Estate, The Winning Team Real Estate Group | 0 comments